Discover the Best Tools for Your Workflow
Curated selection of top-notch tools to boost your productivity
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Simple Length Converter
Effortlessly convert between centimeters, feet, and inches with this intuitive length converter.
— General
QR Code Scanner
Scan QR codes quickly and easily with this reliable QR code scanner.
— General
QR Code Generator
Generate QR codes for various purposes, including URLs, text, and more.
— General
EVM Constants
Access essential constants related to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) for your Web3 projects.
— Web3
GitHub PR Link Generator
Generate direct links to GitHub pull requests with ease.
— General
GitHub Compare Link Generator
Create direct links to GitHub compare views with ease.
— General
Image Viewer
View and interact with images in a grid layout with this intuitive image viewer.
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Memory Units Converter
Convert between various units of digital information storage, including bits, bytes, and more.
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Take notes and organize your thoughts with this simple note-taking app.
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Use this stopwatch to track time intervals with precision and ease.
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WhatsApp Direct Link Generator
Generate direct links to WhatsApp conversations for easy sharing.
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Mailto Link Generator
Create mailto links for easy email sharing and communication.
— General
Date Converter
Convert between different date formats including Unix timestamps and ISO strings.
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Solid Color Wallpaper Generator
Generate solid-colored wallpapers in various formats and resolutions.
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Strong Password Generator
Generate strong, unique passwords for secure account creation and management.
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Twisted Waves Generator
Generate visually appealing twisted wave patterns for various uses.
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Twisted Waves Generator 2
Generate more twisted wave patterns with this alternative generator.
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Perlin Random Wave Generator
Generate random wave patterns using the Perlin noise algorithm.
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Mouse Tester
Test your mouse speed and accuracy with this tool.
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Audio Visualizer
Visualize audio input in real-time with this interactive audio visualizer.
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Touch Screen Tester
Test the responsiveness of your touch screen with this interactive tool.
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String to Bytes32 converter
Convert a string to a Bytes32 hash for use in Solidity contracts.
— General
Bytes32 to String converter
Convert a Bytes32 hash to a string for use in Solidity contracts.
— General
Ethereum Units Converter
Convert between various Ethereum units such as Wei, Gwei, and Ether.
— Web3
Base64 to UTF8 - Base64 Decoder
Convert a Base64 string to a UTF8 string.
— General
Text to Base64 - Base64 Encoder
Convert a text string to a Base64 string.
— General
IPFS Hash to Bytes32
Convert an IPFS hash to a Bytes32 format and vice versa.
— General
Bytes32 to IPFS Hash
Convert a Bytes32 hash to an IPFS hash.
— General
Ethereum Address Checksum
Convert an Ethereum address to a checksum address format.
— Web3
Content-Security-Policy Generator
Generate a Content-Security-Policy header for your website easily.
— General
Ethereum Wallet Generator - Seed Phrase
Generate Ethereum wallets from seed phrases.
— Web3
Ethereum Account Generator - Private Key
Generate Ethereum accounts from private keys.
— Web3
Convert text to URL-friendly slugs, supporting multiple languages including Chinese, Russian, and Greek characters.
— General
Nearest Tailwind Color
Find nearest tailwind color to any color using hexcode.
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